How to stay accountable and make your Picture Book
aka, achieve the impossible. 2/many
I’ve committed the bulk of my free time in 2022 to making picture book dummies and getting them out into the world in hopes of selling one. The next step is using that committed time wisely. Like many “creative types”, I have an ADHD brain, so, a writing session can quickly turn into making coffee, noticing a red sauce splatter on the wall, and then ending the day with a spotless kitchen and a manuscript with a zero word-count. So, I signed up for things to keep me accountable. Too many things, but, I’ll make it work.
- Society of Children’s Book Writers + Illustrators (SCBWI): If you read my last post, you already signed up! (Well, you should have — they’re the BEST; get on it!) SCBWI offers TONS of programming. There are two national conferences a year, loads of workshops across chapters, local regular meet ups and write/draw-ins, work groups, and, opportunities to connect with other folks in the same boat as you. This year, I’ll be going to both national conferences, local meet ups when I can, and, am participating in the SCBWI 30th Birthday Program, a 9-month series of workshops, progress markers, check-ins, and support for writers and illustrators hosted by the Carolinas Chapter. All on Zoom!
- 12 Picture Books/12 Months (12x12, 12x12PB): The goal of 12x12 is to get you writing 12 picture book manuscripts in 12 months. Members join for a full year (so, sign up now, in January) and have access to a cohort of #kidslit professionals who provide feedback on manuscript drafts, pitches, and query letters, as well as monthly workshops and support groups. I signed up, today, so, wish me luck!
- Rhode Island School of Design, Continuing Education (RISD CE): RISD and many other arts universities and libraries offer continuing education classes that can support your development. Some as specific as RISD’s 6-week long “Children’s Book Illustration” (which, I’m taking right now). They also offer classes like: “Intro to Illustration”, “Character Development”, “Setting a Scene”; and, media classes in watercolor, gouache, etc.
- STORYSTORM 2022: Hosted by prolific author, Tara Lazar, STORYSTORM is an idea-generating marathon held over the course of the month of January. The goal, start your year with 30 story concepts to then spend the year developing. 12x12 and STORYSTORM go hand in hand quite nicely. I did not sign up for this one… maybe next year!
My goal is to immerse myself in the community as much as I can to help myself take consistent small steps, and, actually get somewhere! Doing the minimal requirement for participating in all of these programs gets me so much further than solely relying on myself. My kitchen may not shine like the top of the Chrysler Building, but, I should have at least one picture book dummy in hand and ready to rock.
Participate in the community you want to be in — that community will help you help yourself to get to where you want to go. And, there’s no sweeter or more welcoming community that the #kidslit community. Writers, illustrators, agents, editors, art directors… they’re all awesome.